Thanks for taking a lot of effort! I can see the big change now -- it
loads finally. Yes, it is not lightning-speed, but it works. The home
infinite-loading-state which it had before).
Post by Paul BoddiePost by Nandakumar EdamanaDone...Does anyone still see extreme slowness?
Thanks for doing that. As Paul said, the new page loads instantly
while the other pages are still unavailable. However, now we are sure
that there is no issue with the server core. The problem seems to be
with our CMS.
I think it could be just some kind of issue with MoinMoin, and perhaps the
profiling information can be enabled to get an idea of where it is spending
its time.
Post by Nandakumar EdamanaI strongly suggest replacing the default main page with a simple HTML
file that shows an overall idea about gNewSense, important (working)
download links and a message informing that the site is under
maintenance. Otherwise people coming from Wikipedia and Google will
hate gNewSense from very beginning. Should I help preparing the page?
"Hate" might be a bit of a strong word, but I see your point.
Now, I loaded the RecentChanges page and it was a lot quicker than the main
page to appear. The RecentChanges page uses dynamic information, but it is
fairly optimised (being a central feature of MoinMoin), whereas the main page
contains mostly static information and yet takes several times longer to load
than RecentChanges.
I loaded the raw text of the main page which, after having looked at the main
I also looked at various linked pages in raw form (but not in normal form),
just to exclude the effects of rendering, image loading, and so on. Some
loaded quickly, others (the Screenshots page) took a long time. It wasn't
clear whether caching was having an effect, either within MoinMoin or at the
filesystem level, or whether there could be a general resource use problem
that causes parts of MoinMoin to get swapped to disk, or something like that.
One thing that could help in profiling is the show_timings setting in the wiki
Note that MoinMoin's caching mechanism should be fairly effective at
"compiling" pages and returning them quickly. It's possible that this
mechanism isn't functioning correctly - dirty caches are possibly the primary
issue in Moin maintenance - and thus things are a lot slower, but when the
serving up of raw text is slow, I'd suspect something else. (It doesn't cache
the raw text as far as I know, since that's just a straight copy of the text
to the response.)
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