[Gnewsense-dev] Introduction, and a question regarding the Wiki
Duncan Guthrie
2016-05-09 09:14:40 UTC
Dear gNewSense Developers,
I am interested in helping the development of gNewSense. I used Trisquel
GNU/Linux for a while but went back to Debian unstable as I wanted newer
software. I was only using the `main' repository but I would like to
help a project that helps make Debian more free.

I have experience with Python scripts and a little bit of C language (I
learnt from the Kernigan and Ritchie book).
I got to know the structure of Debian packages somewhat, as I packaged
the Fira Fonts from Firefox OS for my personal system. I also made a
Debian live CD for Ratpoison, a window manager which I use every day. I
think I understand most of what Debian does under the hood.
I would also be willing to edit and create articles on the Wiki, as I
use Debian (and gNewSense on and off). An area I am interested in is
security, and I have some experience with grsecurity and kernel hardening.

I'm also interested in how the packages are built: do you have a build
server that pulls the packages automatically and then builds them, or
are they held on the developers' personal computers and then built
manually? I was reading about Trisquel's system, and that is basically
automated after pulling 'clean' packages from Ubuntu. I would be willing
to build some of the more obscure packages if you need any help with that.

I also built GNU IceCat for my Debian system so I could help make the
guide more up-to-date. Regarding the Wiki, when I select login > new
acount on the home page, I get the following error: "Unknown action
newaccount." Does anyone know anything about this?

Duncan Guthrie
pub 4096R/90F054C0 2016-04-24 [expires: 2016-10-21]
Key fingerprint = 96EC DEEB 78B5 3E90 7E48 0035 FB3C B628 90F0 54C0
uid Duncan Guthrie <***@posteo.net>
sub 4096R/C1C83E5B 2016-04-24 [expires: 2016-10-21]
Sam Geeraerts
2016-05-09 21:48:41 UTC
Op Mon, 9 May 2016 10:14:40 +0100
Post by Duncan Guthrie
I have experience with Python scripts and a little bit of C language
(I learnt from the Kernigan and Ritchie book).
I got to know the structure of Debian packages somewhat, as I packaged
the Fira Fonts from Firefox OS for my personal system. I also made a
Debian live CD for Ratpoison, a window manager which I use every day.
I think I understand most of what Debian does under the hood.
I would also be willing to edit and create articles on the Wiki, as I
use Debian (and gNewSense on and off). An area I am interested in is
security, and I have some experience with grsecurity and kernel hardening.
Consider yourself hired. In a non-paid volunteer kind of way. :)
Post by Duncan Guthrie
I'm also interested in how the packages are built: do you have a build
server that pulls the packages automatically and then builds them, or
are they held on the developers' personal computers and then built
manually? I was reading about Trisquel's system, and that is basically
automated after pulling 'clean' packages from Ubuntu. I would be
willing to build some of the more obscure packages if you need any
help with that.
For Ucclia the builds were mostly manual. For the next release I'm
reconsidering our options [1]. Feel free to discuss and edit.
Post by Duncan Guthrie
I also built GNU IceCat for my Debian system so I could help make the
guide more up-to-date. Regarding the Wiki, when I select login > new
acount on the home page, I get the following error: "Unknown action
newaccount." Does anyone know anything about this?
That was disabled as an anti-spam measure. I've enabled it again, so it
should work now. Be aware that you need to add your account name to the
editor group [2] to edit any other page (also anti-spam).

[1] http://www.gnewsense.org/DevelopmentProjects/Gnewsense5
[2] http://www.gnewsense.org/EditorGroup

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